The Marine Resources Committee is an advisory board to the Select Board involving matters relating to tidal waterways and associated public facilities such as marine ramps, docks, wharves, piers and moorings. In that capacity, the Marine Resources Committee shall perform the following advisory functions:
- In consultation with the Harbormaster/Shellfish Officer, periodically make recommendations to the Select Board for revision of the Town of Fairhaven Waterways Regulations and Shellfish Regulations.
- With the assistance of the Harbormaster/Shellfish Officer and the Director of Planning and Economic Development, be responsible for making recommendations to the Select Board and the Planning Board regarding long-range planning for the harbor and its resources, including matters relating to moorings, piers and docks, land acquisition, water sheet zoning, stormwater runoff mitigation, protection of the harbor’s resources and sea level rising as a result of global warming.
- With the assistance of the Harbormaster/Shellfish Officer, advise and make recommendation on water-related capital infrastructure improvements such as ramps, docks, wharves and piers to the Town Administrator and Capital Planning Committee.
- Annually review waterways fees, harbor fees, shellfish license fees and other related charges or fees with the Harbormaster/Shellfish Officer and the Town Administrator and advise the Select Board regarding adjustments as needed.
- Provide guidance and recommendations to the Select Board and Town Administrator on marine resource policy issues.
- Act as a resource and aid to the Harbormaster/Shellfish Officer, when requested, to assist in the carrying out the responsibilities of that office.
- Prepare annually for inclusion in the Town Report a written summary of the Committee’s activities during the prior year.
The Marine Resources Committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members who shall be appointed annually as follows:
- Five (5) members will be at large and appointed by the Select Board
- One (1) member shall be on the Select Board and appointed by a majority of the Select Board.
- One (1) member shall be on the Board of Public Works and appointed by a majority of the Board of Public Works.
Adopted by vote of the Board of Selectmen on October 1, 2018.