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Lagoa Friendship Pact Committee

The Lagoa Friendship Pact Committee shall provide input and suggestions for a variety of current and foreseeable community, civic, cultural, educational and other activities that expand its partnership with the Municipality of Lagoa, Portugal. The Committee is advisory in its capacity and shall not supersede or take the place of the Select Board to determine ultimate courses of action.

In accordance with the Friendship Pack, the Committee is charged with the following:

  • Nurture partnerships that promote mutual business development, commercial and professional exchanges, and sharing the advances in business and education;
  • Expand our relationship through youth exchanges, cultural development, tourism and other importance activities that will benefit the two localities;
  • Create a deeper understanding of each areas’ lives and traditions that have a community of interest;
  • Support and administer exchanges between citizens of both countries to develop cooperation and a lasting friendship.

The Lagoa Friendship Committee Charge shall consist of not less than nine (9) members: five (5) at-large members and one (1) member from the Fairhaven Business Community shall be appointed by Select Board; and one (1) member each shall be designated by the School Committee; the Town Economic Development Committee, and the Historical Commission.

All members shall serve for a term of two years, staggered. The Select Board may appoint any additional members at its discretion and reserve the right to release members and appoint new members at any time as necessary or warranted. In the event of a vacancy, said vacancy shall be filed in the manner of the original appointment. The Committee shall serve until disbanded by Select Board.

The Committee will also be responsible for:

  • The Committee shall meet with the Select Board after its formation to discuss suggestions and guidelines.
  • The Committee shall work closely with the general public, business community, and others, to insure all citizens have input into proposed projects and activities.
  • The Committee shall be responsible for other opportunities as requested by the Select Board.
  • The Committee shall serve as an advisory body to the Select Board to provide feedback, input, and guidance as well as function as the conduit for the Town to solicit, create, plan and implement activities, programs and exchanges that expand and broaden its relationship with Lagoa and its environs.